Tuesday, January 01, 2008

"Happy New Year"

What do people mean when they say "Happy New Year". What exactly does that involve? What are the expectations of a person with a "happy new year" Are they saving the world? Are they not depressed or saddened? Don't we really need to make sure to live and experience the time we have on this earth? Whether it is "happy" or not, isn't the whole goal to make sure to experience the love, success, failures, support, rejection, learning, curiosity, denial, and all other applicable emotions? 

I find myself choking on those words when I'm about to open my mouth and automatically, and robotic-ally chant those words! It just doesn't happen to make sense to me anymore. I want to have more meaning than that. I want to connect more than that. I want to be more truthful than that. So I really need to say that I wish that life brings you all exactly what you need to experience, and what helps you grow. I myself am searching for exactly what I'd like life to bring me, so that I can more directly seek ways to achieve and experience that.

Life - means more than we all make it mean. So the challenge is to make sure to make it the more that it is. Perhaps a concise wish would be "Have a More New Year!"


At Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:17:00 PM , Blogger Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. said...

Two, and then one year, between posts and now a brief flurry of activity. Either you've been doing a lot of deleting or a lot of soul searching. Blogging is journaling with spell check, keep it up.
Peace, Joy, and a New Year to you.


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