Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hey Writers, here's an idea...

As I watch the progress of the Writers strike, and read about the issues that are on the table for the writers, I came up with some great business ideas for them. I won't even ask for residuals, nor a new contract agreement. I'm going to share these just out of the kindness of my heart - because thats just the kind of person that I am!!

OK, so here it is...
a. Scripts are the basis on which tv shows and movies are made
b. Without scripts, you either have to resort to producing a reality TV show or a news program (although for the latter, it feels like they've been more scripted than anything else lately!)
c. Without scripted shows being produced, those other workers who usually work on shows are also out of work(camera operators, set designers, etc. etc.)
d. Writers have the support of directors and actors - some of the other important and necessary components to producing/creating a good show
e. All the above players are losing money during this time when there are no shows being produced/created
f. With the advent of the internet, its become extremely easy to create and post video files online - on youtube, veoh, and many other such websites
g. There are many vlogs that are extremely popular with readers, which do not need to be polished, well-produced pieces of creation.
h. Great examples can be found on where they have a number of video blogs that are extremely popular. Not to mention the various shows/concerts/videos posted on youtube where the following "Evolution of Dance" video is the most viewed of all time!

So after adding all the above realities together, the only solution that I see, and I'm surprised this isn't already happening - of course, only I have my mind, so perhaps you've just been waiting for my mind to come up with the idea...

The solution, drumroll please...
1. Writers create their own scripts
2. Writers work with directors and actors and produce raw shows
3. Create a website where these shows are posted for free
4. Revenue will be through online advertising

Online viewers are hungry for good material - no question about that. You are hungry for pay, so BUILD IT, AND THEY WILL COME!

The financial justification?
Advertising Revenue - (Cost of hosting a website + Cost of staff to maintain website + Cost of resources necessary to create good quality, raw basic shows) = $$$

And on the cost of resources to create the show, we're in an era where increasingly, technology is costing less and less - video cameras, sound systems, video editing software is almost painfully cheap these days. So that component should be able to be done in a very cost-effective manner.

And in this way, we might actually get to see a bit more diversity in the subject matter of the cookie-cutter shows we usually have shoved down our throats on network TV - probably products of severe restrictions and rules from producers not wanting to alienate extremely vocal societal groups; so we'll hopefully see more shows with well-developed lesbian characters and story-lines, not to mention diversity in race, gender, age, religious backgrounds and settings of these shows. So everybody wins(even the producers get to learn!!)

I'm willing to work with you to draw this up more formally (that will cost you - I'm a Consultant by trade, and have to always find ways to pay for my MBA degree!!) and even will be willing to work in a formal position in this business paradigm.

I really don't see how this can fail, in fact, even if this strike thing works out for everyone involved, especially the writers, I think this is a vision that they should work towards. Its too ripe at the moment to pass up! Competition is one of the founding principles of capitalism, and I think the reason for the AMPTP behaviour, is their belief that they have established oligopolies! Basic ECON101 will tell you that in an oligopolistic environment such as this one, in which the producers are "colluding" to restrict the profit-sharing agreements with the writers , "fair" is not a recognized word.

As an aside, am I the only one who thinks of armpit hair whenever I see the AMPTP acronym?!? I digress...

Think about this very carefully!! Then call me!! ;-)


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