Friday, November 21, 2008


I have to get something off my chest - I'm pretty miffed right now!

No matter what you feel about marriage, I think its hard to miss the point that there are civil rights which are being denied to a group of citizens. That just is not right, no matter how much squinting you do.

I have always been of the mindset that marriage was an ancient/archaic construct that just does not make any more sense in our current paradigm in the 21st century, and our evolved way of living - no matter who is doing it, heterosexuals, homosexuals, men or women. But in a country where there is supposed separation of church and state, and where there are rights being offered to its citizenry, I am incensed that people are trying to make my decision for me - I'd like to make my own choice about whether or not I want to marry as a gay woman in a committed relationship.

Lets get over this ridiculousness. If there are things to talk about, lets do that - its about time to step out, speak out, learn to accept, understand, and support each other! We don't all have to agree - I don't like the way that I perceive Muslim women are treated in Islamic cultures, but I'm not going to try to stop them from their RIGHT to be doing what they believe they should be doing. I can start a discussion to learn more and share my thoughts with them. We all need to remember that we all have control over what we believe in and do, but others may not believe in, or do the same things, and as consenting adults, we all can do what we feel is right spiritually or religiously. But that's where it should stop - we even have laws against discriminating against a person based on their religion, race, gender, handicap, etc. etc. exactly for that reason! How can you not see this is all in the same bucket?! And people, please lets not get it twisted - marriage between same-sex couples would logically lead to wanting to marry siblings, or goats??! Come on!! As a friend pointed out, the Bible is already full of those stories - lets not go there!

I've come up with some things that I will be doing to really make this inconsistency and unfair treatment of people a thing of the past. I suggest you consider doing so too:

1. I will start referring to all married couples (heterosexual or otherwise) as Partners, not as Husband or Wife. e.g. "How is your Partner doing - did you take that trip you were planning on taking?" I believe that we should normalize the terms that are used to make it this an even playing field - the old archaic paradigm just won't cut it anymore

2. The people at have a great suggestion to send postcards to President-elect Obama asking to repeal DOMA and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Plan is to send one a week (if not daily). For those of you who can do this, they suggest having a postcard party and having all your friends do it too! Think of the statement that thousands and thousands of postcards from around the country will make.

3. I encourage anyone who wants to have a discussion to learn more and share their thoughts with me to do so. I'd love the opportunity to talk through different points of view if its being presented in a positive and respectful manner. So if you want to, you know where to reach me.

I can't sit idly by anymore. Albert Einstein says it best:
"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.


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