Monday, August 11, 2008


I've made some epiphanies...

  1. There are women who are feminists, and there are women who are sexist
  2. There are men who are feminists, and there are men who are sexist
  3. There are lesbians who are feminists, and there are lesbians who are sexist
  4. Being a woman doesn't equate to being a feminist
  5. Being a lesbian doesn't equate to being a feminist
  6. Being male, doesn't equate to being sexist
  7. I am a feminist!
They may not seem significant in the whole realm of things, and of other more worldly, far-reaching epiphanies...but its my epiphany, and I'll own it.

I feel that I should probably define what I mean when I say "feminist", or at least describe what they are not, so that I'm not confusing those with pre-concieved notions of what that means. NOTE: This is not based on source-attested, scientific research - its what came to me...capiche? To me, a feminist:
  • is not someone who equates gender with roles, so for example,
  • would not say "changing tires is not a feminine thing to do...its a masculine trait"
  • does not think a woman's place is in the kitchen while her partner brings home the so-called 'bacon!'
  • believes women can be passive or aggressive; ie. are capable of a full suite of human emotions and self empowerment
  • does not believe that women need to wear heels, lipstick, long hair, 'titty-tops', short skirts, tight clothing, see-through clothes, g-strings, blonde hair, or 'insert barbie-istic term here' to be sexy.

I could go on, but I don't want to...I still have a long way to go to being able to forgive those women who are not feminists, and especially lesbian women who are not feminists. I just can't get my brain to wrap around the concept of women who do not believe in self-empowerment, and equality, and who are ok with perpetuating negative stereotypes, and self-limiting, low self-esteem messages that allow limited or no progress for strengthening the female spirit.

I'm a work in progress, so I'm working on not judging people, and trying to figure out a way to encourage discourse so we can all learn from each others opinions and experiences. My new campaign is the smarting-up of society! Any takers?!?


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