Saturday, August 09, 2008

The 8's!

Yesterday was 080808! Now as someone who loves numbers, do you know what that does to me? More than it should! And there’s something about even numbers, but again, the aspect of variety is still in play, because there is an odd number of them! You just can't get away from these life metaphors! The ying-yang, ebbs and flows of just can't.

So what do these numbers mean, or represent to me? It provides me a moment to recognize the present, look to see what the future brings, and relish at what that means for the past...there are only 3 more opportunities in this century, for us to see these repeated numbers! Is that amazing or what?!?

I mean, can you believe that in our lifetime, this is one of the last times we'll see this phenomenon...we have 3 more chances: 09/09/09, 10/10/10, 11/11/11, and 12/12/12 And looking back, since this phenomenon only occurs during 12 years of each entire century, to what people in the last century were doing for these dates - were they seen as religious days, days of evil, days of celebration? I remember the raucous and preparations for 2000 - but not many ripples were made for 01/01/01 - the first of these dates this century! It also represents one of the times of the year, when at least 2 methods of recording the dates align. As someone who hails from the British system (and many other countries use the same format as the British), before my arrival in the U.S., I was used to writing the date as dd/mm/yy...different from the U.S.'s mm/dd/yy (and other US influenced countries that use the same format).

Check out this map from wikipedia - which shows the distribution of the representation of date is for countries that use dd/mm/yyy - you can see that they are the majority!

I'll have to look further into the history of date formats. But regardless, on this fine, beautifully sunny day, the almost all of the rest of the world, and those of us North Americans will be joined in unity...recording the same date! 08/08/08 - We are one after all!! Enjoy your 8s!



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