Thursday, September 04, 2008

So how about that Canada??

Cause thats where I'm moving to if the MacPain duo win this election!! I'm going to find myself a new wife! ;-)


Is she for real?!? I was actually zombified impressed by the video they showed...then when she " unveilled" her 'colorful' family, and then showcased other colorful affiliations, that just took the cake!!

The republicans really need to take some lessons in 'subtlety'!! All she needs is a pretty pink bow with a cherry on top!


Maverick \Mav"er*ick\, n

That seems to be the word of the day…am I the only one who thinks about the Joker whenever I hear that?


The scene keeps getting more insane! I am now convinced that America has been put under a century long spell! For there to be people who are eating up what is happening in the Republican Party…I can only hope that the country has been put under a spell!!

Definitions of maverick:

  • Maverick - Madonna's record label.
  • Maverick – TV Series 1857 – 1962. Brothers Bret and Bart Maverick (usually separately, but sometimes together) travel across the West trying to stay out of trouble and make a lot of money. The Mavericks preferred playing cards rather than engaging in any sort of manual labor, and, if in trouble, would prefer to leave town than stay and fight. Also made into a movie by the same name in 1994
  • Wikipedia: A maverick is a person who shows independence of thought or action, a non-conformist or rebel.
  • Free dictionary - 1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it. 2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
  • - An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
  • Merriam-webster 1: an unbranded range animal; especially : a motherless calf 2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party
  • - In the southwestern part of the united States, a bullock or heifer that has not been branded, and is unclaimed or wild;
Interesting that everyone seems to have latched onto that word!!